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Category: Reading All The Books

Amy’s Top 10 (okay, 12) Books of 2024

Two novels tied for first this year and a pair of novels by the same author changed my Top 10 for 2024 to a Top 12. The more the merrier, I say! Click here to read the list.

Here’s hoping you find something you enjoy in the top 12. Or, scroll down to the last couple of pages and peruse the list of all the books I read this year. Also, you can support local booksellers and shops by visiting my bookshop here to purchase any books from my top 10s. I’ve been creating this list for over 20 years so I’ll continue to add all of my top 10s from previous years to my shop!

Amy’s Top 10 Books of 2022

This was a fantastic year of reading–so much so that each of my picks also includes a companion read for double the fun! Whether you’re looking for some speculative fiction to spice up your reading, a traditional tale of family dysfunction or an epic saga that time-hops through centuries, you’ll find it in my Top 10 List of 2022. Let me know what you read and enjoyed too.

Amy’s Top 10 Books of 2021

Resilience, love conquering all, secrets revealed, Russian dancers, identity crises, internal and external battles — you’ll find all of this and more in my 2021 Top 10 book list. This year’s crop of books was so strong that it was tough to choose 10 winners out of the 34 I read. At one point, I had four contenders for the Number One spot. Read on to see which books rose to the top of the heap on my nightstand. As always, let me know what you read and loved this year so I can add it to my reading list.

Top 10 Books of 2019

Wow. It’s been 20 years and counting that I’ve kept this little tradition alive. It started on a whim because so many friends asked me for book recommendations throughout the year. It started at a time when I mailed out paper copies of the list along with our holiday cards because that was the only mechanism for delivery. The internet and email were still in their infancy and e-books and Kindles weren’t even a thing yet. A few years later, I transitioned the list to email but keeping the distribution list current proved more complicated than posting on this mostly-dormant blog. The blessings of technology and social media. I love looking back on the books I’ve read each year and love sharing my favorites with you. This year’s Top 10 List is available here. Share and forward to fellow book lovers as much as you’d like. May 2020 and the new decade bring you peace, joy, good reading and plenty of wonderful stories of your own to share!

Top 10 Books of 2017

For over 17 years now, I’ve published an annual list of my favorite reads. The tradition continues with my Top 10 Books of 2017.

If you’ve been part of this tradition for awhile now, you know that the list begins with a wrap-up of our year. Feel free to skip by that little bit of history and head right to the list so you can start stocking your nightstand with new reads. As always, let me know what you’re reading so I can add to my own pile on the nightstand . . . and the coffee table . . . and the bathroom . . . and the office . . . and my backpack . . . and any other flat surface that looks sad and bookless.

Happy reading!